semangat in english
Kamu bisa melakukannya Dont give up. I am looking forward to my trip to Madrid. Pin On Life Quotes But Spirit also means soul or ghost so when I searched for Spirit song I usually get something like New Age-y kind of songs or horror songs which is not what Im. . Semoga beruntung You can do it. Translations in context of PATAH SEMANGAT in indonesian-english. Jangan pernah menyerah Dont. Keep up the good work Teruskan hal itu 6. If I have to translate it literally I think the closest word that Semangat can be translated is Fueled and burning. When using translator usually the translator translate the word Semangat into Spirit. We hope this will help you in learning languages. In this case in english we would say good luck. Full of life and energy. Passion Edit spirit Edit enthusiasm Edit fervour Edit morale Edit vigour Edit zeal Edit zest Edit ardor Edit fervor Edit vigor Edit discouragement...